Use, identification and management of materials containing asbestos in cultural heritage
A summary of the course
- To know the nature of asbestos;
- To be aware of their presence in cultural heritage;
- To be competent in selecting the techniques to identify asbestos;
- To be competent in handling cultural heritage which may contain asbestos.
The course aims to make conservators of cultural heritage aware of the possible presence of asbestos in artifacts and artworks produced in various historical eras. Since asbestos is a recognized carcinogen, it is necessary to understand what it is, why it has been used, where it can be found, when and how its presence may pose a risk.
The following aspects will be covered
- characteristics and chemical-physical properties of the minerals classified as asbestos;
- the most common materials containing asbestos (MCA);
- Italian regulations concerning asbestos, MCA, the analysis for their identification
- situations where minerals classified as asbestos represent a risk.
Numerous examples of cultural heritage will be presented in which asbestos is present as a primary component or as a base or as a material added during restoration.
Finally, guidance will be given on how to detect the presence of asbestos in cultural goods and how to manipulate them in order to contain the risk.
A special in-person visit is reserved for course participants, to be held on 6 October 2023 from 17:00 to 19:00 at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Turin, to observe the samples and materials archived there, together with course lecturers Elena Belluso and Jasmine Petriglieri. A maximum of 20 participants will be accepted; to book, please send an email to training@ccrdigital-lab.it with the subject line "Visita DST", by 9 September 2023.
Course structure

Elena Belluso
Professor of Environmental Mineralogy at the Department of Earth Sciences (DST) of the University of Turin. Director, since 2015, of the Interdepartmental Center for the study of asbestos and other harmful particulates “G. Scansetti” of the University of Turin. Scientific manager, since 2003, of the asbestos analysis laboratory of the DST and since 2016 University expert for asbestos and other harmful particulates. Lecturer in teaching at I, II, III, III level, consultant to public bodies, private companies and public prosecutors for investigations of asbestos in various matrices. She is the author of over 280 scientific publications in magazines, book chapters and conference proceedings and is co-editor of an international scientific journal. She carries out research on asbestiform asbestos and minerals present in anthropic materials, rocks, soils, air, water, human and animal organs.

Jasmine Petriglieri
Jasmine Rita Petriglieri is a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences and the Interdepartmental Center “G. Scansetti” for the study of asbestos and other harmful particulates at the University of Turin. In 2017 she obtained the title of PhD in Earth Sciences with a thesis on the assessment of the impact of erosion and alteration on rocks and soils containing asbestos in subtropical contexts. Her current research aims to develop innovative analytical and conceptual tools for the assessment and management of the risk of contamination in the living and working environment due to mineral fibres from rocky outcrops. She is the co-author of 11 scientific papers and has participated in more than 20 national and international congresses.

Fabrizio Siviero
Responsible for the Prevention and Protection Service of the University of Turin for the Area of Sciences MFN and Pharmacy since 2002. Since 1996 he has been teaching in the training initiatives provided by D.Lgs. 626/1994 and D.Lgs. 81/2008 organized by the University, in the courses on occupational safety established from 2000 to 2012 for the degree courses in Chemistry and Industrial Chemistry, in courses of Integrated Higher Technical-Professional Training (FIS) and at the School of Application in Turin. He has collaborated in training and research activities in the field of environmental chemistry on issues related to industrial pollution of the external and indoor environment, the monitoring of sites with high environmental impact, and the development of chemical and instrumental methods of investigation.

Francesco Turci
Researcher and lecturer at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Turin, where he obtained his PhD in Chemical Sciences with a thesis on asbestos risk in the Western Alps. Since 2015 he has been deputy director of the “G. Scansetti” Centre for the Study of Asbestos and other Harmful Particulates at the University of Turin. His scientific activity is mainly focused on the study of the mechanisms of toxicity at the atomic-molecular level of inorganic micro- and nanometric systems, with a particular attention to pathogenic minerals such as quartz, asbestos or metallic oxides of industrial interest. During his scientific career, FT was a visiting scientist at the Université de la Nouvelle Calédonie (UNC) (France), University College of Dublin (UCD), Ireland and at the Department of Geosciences, Virginia Polytechnic, USA. He co-authored over 80 scientific papers and participated in over 50 congresses.