

8 hours tot.

2 modules purchasable individually

A summary of the course

The course is organised as part of the European Erasmus+ Project and ASAP (Acidity & salinity Art Project), in partnership with HISPANAGAR, the Escuela Superior de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales in Madrid, ENSAV La Cambre in Brussels and the Chemistry Department of the University of Turin.
language: Italian
MODULE 1: The pH and conductivity of water-sensitive surfaces - theory lecture online/in person, 11 july 2024, 2-6 PM CET
Module 1 can be followed online via the CCR Digital Lab platform or in person at the ‘La Venaria Reale’ Conservation and Restoration Centre. If you are interested in attending in person please write an email to to confirm your booking.
MODULE 2: pH and conductivity measurement of water-sensitive surfaces - practical workshop in the conservation laboratory, 12 july 2024, 9 AM- 1PM CET (first group)/ 2-6 PM CET (second group))
Participants will be assigned to the morning (9 a.m. - 1 p.m.) or afternoon session (2 p.m. - 6 p.m.) based on the order of registration. Should there be a specific need, a preference can be indicated by sending an email to
participation to Module 2 requires Module 1 to be attended
certificate of attendance issued on completion of the complete course (module 1 + module 2)
closing date for entries: Monday 1 July 2024


  • Know the critical parameters to be controlled in order to measure pH and conductivity of different types of surfaces precisely and accurately
  • Becoming familiar with the measurement method
  • Knowledge of conservation issues related to the acidity and salinity of artefact surfaces
  • Acquire skills to deal with the cleaning of water-sensitive surfaces


The course combines a theoretical module and a workshop to be held in the laboratories of the Conservation and Restoration Centre ‘La Venaria Reale’.
Module 1 (theoretical lessons) will be held online on CCR Digital Lab or in person at CCR on Thursday 11 July 2024, from 2 to 6 pm CET.
In case you are interested in attending in presence, please write an email to to confirm your booking.
Registration for module 1 is mandatory for participation in module 2 (workshop).
Module 2 (workshop) will be held on Friday 12 July 2024, in two turns:
- 9:00 to 13:00 CET (first group)
- 14:00 to 18:00 CET (second group)
Participants will be assigned to the morning or afternoon session based on the order of registration. If there are specific needs, participants may indicate a preference by sending an e-mail to

Precise knowledge of the acidity and salinity of surfaces allows you to work more confidently with aqueous media. In the theory session, conservation issues and fundamental scientific knowledge around the concepts of acidity and salinity of water-sensitive surfaces will be addressed.

During the lecture, participants will also be shown step-by-step how to accurately measure the acidity and salinity values of the surfaces to be treated, examining the most common technical issues and errors made when measuring pH and conductivity.

During the workshop, participants will be able to put into practice what they learnt during the theoretical lecture, acquiring technical skills through practical exercises: preparation of materials, precise, replicable and reliable methods of measuring pH and conductivity of water-sensitive surfaces.




Elena Aguado

Docente presso La Scuola di Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali di Madrid.
Ha un Dottorato internazionale in Scienza e Conservazione dei Beni Culturali. La sua ricerca è focalizzata sullo studio dell’acidità e salinità delle superfici sia di manufatti antichi sia contemporanei. Questa expertise le consente di progettare strategie di pulitura sostenibili e di approfondire la conoscenza del comportamento chimico dei materiali pittorici.


Chiara Bianchi

Chiara Bianchi è una restauratrice di dipinti. Ha conseguito la laurea magistrale presso l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Arts Visuels de La Cambre (ENSAV) di Bruxelles nel 2021, dove ora è professoressa assistente in Scienze Applicate alla Conservazione. Uno dei suoi assi di ricerca si concentra sulla valutazione della misurazione del pH come strumento per la conservazione e la scienza del patrimonio.


Anna Piccirillo

Anna Piccirillo earned her PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Turin, Italy (2004). She has been working as Conservation Scientist in the scientific laboratories at Centre for Conservation and Restoration “La Venaria Reale” since 2014, and her main activity is the characterization of artworks materials. In her professional activity, she focuses her research on ancient modern and contemporary materials and on their degradation products. She is well skilled in FTIR spectroscopy, XRF, SEM-EDX and optical microscopy. She is actively involved in some of the research projects promoted by CCR and co-author of scientific publications on scientific journals.


Tommaso Poli

Tommaso Poli is a research technician (EP) at the Chemistry Department of the University of Turin. He has a PhD in Chemical Sciences and has been involved since the Degree Thesis (Industrial Chemistry) in the study and characterization of materials used in the conservation of cultural heritage with particular attention to polymeric materials. He actively collaborates with the Conservation and Restoration Centre “La Venaria Reale”, has participated in several national and international research projects and is the author of numerous scientific publications.


Chiara Ricci

Conservation scientist, graduated from the University of Turin in Science for Cultural Heritage, in 2012, and in Materials Science for Cultural Heritage, in 2016. In 2020, she earned a PhD in Cultural Heritage Protection in collaboration with the University of Vigo, Spain. After graduation she had internship experiences at the Getty Conservation Institute (Los Angeles, USA) and the Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (Madrid, Spain). She currently works as a technician at the University of Turin and at the scientific laboratories of the Conservation and Restoration Center “La Venaria Reale,” where she carries out diagnostic and research activities. In recent years, she has mainly dealt with the issues of graffiti removal from ornamental stones and the conservation of public art, particularly street art works.